We have discovered that a number of native orchids grow wild on our property as well as throughout the neighbouring Crown land. Below are photos (taken by Emily) of these in Spring 2011. Many thanks to Ruth Barrett who helped match up the orchids in some of these photos with their proper names!
Sugar Orchid (Caladenia saccharata)
Fringed Mantis Orchid (Caladenia falcata)
Dark-banded Shell Orchid (Pterostylis sanguinea)
Jug Orchid (Pterostylis recurva)
Forest Mantis Orchid (Caladenia attingens)
Cowslip Orchid (Caladenia flava)
Lemon-Scented Sun Orchid (Thelymitra antennifera) perhaps?
Winter Donkey Orchid (Diuris brumalis)
Purple Enamel Orchid (Elythranthera brunonis) perhaps?